translated from Spanish: Motorcyclist collides against a car on Avenida journalism in Morelia, Michoacán

Morelia, Michoacan.-injured was a teenage motorcyclist to collide on a car on the Avenue journalism. Fortunately the blows suffered by the boy not endanger his life, allegedly on the site of the incident.
The above was recorded overnight on Thursday at the height of the Valladolid colony, near the Gaspar Street Villadiego and the Centro Integral de la Moreliana youth.
Some people, seeing the accident, immediately made flag work to divert vehicles, also the motorist involved in fact stopped its advance and it waited for the arrival of the police authorities.
The injured boy was identified as Arturo M., 16-year-old neighbor of the Aryan 1815 neighborhood, located in the area west of the Michoacán capital, who piloted a motorcycle Honda, white.

The scene arrived ones themselves paramedics of the Red Cross (CR), which gave first aid to the patient and was transferred to a hospital for their appropriate medical evaluation.
The car involved in the event is Honda, Navy Blue, brand managed by José Pedro L., approximately 45 years of age.
The Michoacan police of transit and mobility experts made the corresponding technical study of the issue to determine those responsible and above transport were taken to a barn.

Original source in Spanish

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