translated from Spanish: What is the W20 and why feminist groups argue against?

since this November 30, last year held in the country various activities around the G20, the international meeting for economic cooperation, financial and policy that seeks to generate public policy to resolve the big prob slogans in the world.

The importance of these events weigh on the representation of the hand of the President Mauricio Macri with the countries that make up the European Union and 19 others as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the South, United States, Korea France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, Russia, South Africa and Turkey.

But as the G20 is historically represented by a vast majority of males and both the Conference and the main points discussed do not include public policies that benefit or attempt to improve the particular situation of women in the world, was created the W20. 20 women, according to its website, brings together women leaders and aims to influence the agenda of the G20 decision-making groups.

The Minister of health and Social development of the nation, Carolina Stanley along with two ‘speakers’ | Photo: Official website of W20 but succeed? Are they the women of our country represented at this Conference? On October 3 the maximum Queen of the Netherlands will open one of the debates, if that data answer us the question. 

 EDGE spoke with Carolina Balderrama, the pair network, which is next to other feminists and groups Forum Feminsita against the G20 and answered all questions. 

1 why the W20 does not represent the bulk of the women in our country? Which group do you think it represents? 

The proposal making W20 and the G20 speaks to women but does not provide lesbian, shemales, trans, peasant, afro and all dissident identities that do not fall within the category woman. Speaks to a woman white, entrepreneur, entrepreneur and somehow is making reducing all categories of genre and anchored us in something that has nothing to do with us, where are all these policies of adjustment and recession, from which we the most affected. 

2. do you think that the W20 operate separate G20 serves to address issues with a gender perspective or they should be referred to in the same group? 

It is these groups propose recommendations to Governments and are not recommendations that are binding, then it can, or not taken into account since the G20. The feminist forum think that gender mainstreaming is not a matter of women but a transformation of reality. Feminists we also address issues that have to do with the economies of the world understand that we must put one of the axes in the way of reproduction of life and these models do not speak of the structural conditions that are necessary to achieve justice social and equity. 

3 what points should the w20 that does contemplate?

In the feminist forum not we are only discussing the agenda of the W20 that we make proposals. They cover four points but we make ourselves some questions, including what we are talking about? What are the benefits of these proposals? In rural development, for example, there is no peasant woman, when they talk about violence speaks a European male who is a great intellectual but is male and that already shows you to whom it is addressed. Today and tomorrow we will do activities in the square of the two congresses in order to ask all these questions and try to answer them. 

Original source in Spanish

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