translated from Spanish: Astronomer José Maza: “horoscope is another stupidity as the land flat”

astonomo José Maza questioned the media coverage given to the signs of the Zodiac, stating that “is another stupidity as the land flat”. In an interview to cult, the scientist pondered the space as you of has been on television, specifically in the program “True lies”, which modified its themes to address issues related to science. On this program, Mace recalled that some time ago he invited the Peruvian speaker Sixto Paz, who talks about experiences with UFO contact.” It charges everyone, they bring it here, put it in a five star hotel in Santiago and must pay a huge bill that you go to speak gibberish to a program of television,”he said. The astronomer spoke then about another matter that is the protagonist of the media as horoscope.” The horoscope is another stupidity as the Earth flat! Imagine, I am Capricorn and good, there are a million and a half of Capricorn! “, said the scientist, adding that”I am who I am because my mother and my father had a whole structure and in my house I grew up in a certain way, not because I was born in January”. Maza added that “I was born on the same day that ‘Bam Bam’ Zamorano – he is 19 years younger than I am – and the truth is that by where I look at, I don’t see any similarity.” I could never hit the ball, nor with the feet on the third boat hit him and head don’t hit him never to the ball “.

Original source in Spanish

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