translated from Spanish: They solve the mystery of the curse on the tomb of the Tutankamón King

world-the tomb of King Tutankamón in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt, has been restored in a project that lasted 10 years, reports Live Science.ademas to restore the tomb and give your ntigua glory, the team of experts of the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) of USA and the Ministry of Antiquities of Egypt reconvened the murals that decorate the House of the King, installed barriers and set up a ventilation system to reduce damage in the site.

The specialists also spent time researching mysterious brown spots that grew in the murals inside the Tomb, where the mummified body of the Pharaoh was discovered by the British Egyptologist Howard Carter in 1922, and is now known as What are, especially taking into consideration the numerous theories about a curse against those who enter to the place.
The Tories confirmed that the stains were microbes, but that they had died long ago, and in fact not had spread since Carter found and opened the Tomb in 1922. Moreover, microbes already had grown within the layer of paint, so it could not be removed without damaging the work of art.
Source: RT

Original source in Spanish

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