translated from Spanish: Proud and foolish: patience

there are two personality traits common in some characters in different areas: the proud and the foolish. The first means, among others, according to the Royal Academy of the language Spanish, great or magnificent; and the second ignorant and do not know what you could or should know. In the world of reality are toxic and unbearable. Although to bear them calmly and face any adversity or unpleasant situation surrounding us, it is very simple, it is only matter of cultivate patience and be tolerant. This although there are unpleasant situations or people incorrigible, toxic, or problematic by nature that we know and they have circumstantial power in this small village territorial.n it is necessary to think a little about the proportionality of things, perhaps starting starting so infinitely enormous universe size, and compare it for example with the tiny being ground against him, a local village and a human being. Our planet is a small almost imperceptible point against the enormity of the universe referred. Much more so people we travel on it for free every day on our fleeting existence. Although there are some with political or economic power who feel eternal, universal, and messianic; in spite of simple human beings, but mental dwarf. This is not anything other than a product of ignorance and foolishness, even when they have certain lineages or possess titles of nobility, perhaps also power and immense wealth; even having Empires under their feet, because after all, have it well present, everything is ephemeral, nothing is eternal. It you are looking for and can only be achieved in individual thinking of some people who are selfish by nature. This feature often is accompanied by vanity. Human life, understand it, is a product of nature and circumstances. So is the placement of roles. Those roles at the end of accounts turn out to be only a game or a fantasy of life. Some with riches, others with power material, and a vast majority who lack it, but in the end, nature puts us in the same place and level. For this reason, life turns out to be a simple recreation and illusion cut versus infinite time, which should cultivate patience against arrogant and foolish, some of which today have to be able to. You locate them, gentle reader. When someone asks some reflection in certain circumstances such as when around them to that kind of people, even if they are too overwhelming, incorrigible pollutants or toxic, the answer is very simple: leave everything in charge of the laws of the nature, and also to cultivate patience. Be tolerant and looking for temperance. Two important cardinal virtues in life. It is not required to be scientific or specialist to get to this reflection, is required only to possess common sense, even if it is, most often, the least common of the senses. It is also recommended that they do not excite, to see things and people naturally. For this reason it is advisable not they take into account in a conceited way, much less to that kind of people, because frequently they are so round that, although look to the friendly side, you will never find it. So better not worry, since you’ll never see them change in his egocentric behavior and vain, even sit and assume as eternal. On the other hand, we’ve never seen a Sage or a scholar of truth with these latest features. But on the contrary, are genuinely humble individuals. If they assume a haughty, proud and foolish behavior, better opt for quiet meditation, breathing and physical exercises. After all, everything happens, and nothing happens. So quiet and to cultivate patience and tolerance against the types of characters that only they levitate and suffer from dizziness to feel great lights. You, friend reader, just locate them. Remember: nothing is eternal. We only have patience above all, because even Empires fall, more than those proud and foolish.

Original source in Spanish

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