translated from Spanish: “Stop fucking”: relive the “bat” which Viggo Mortensen Macri shot two years ago by the movie industry

In April 2017, a hard message sent the actor Viggo Morte nsen, who lived part of his childhood in Argentina, against President Mauricio Macri and the Secretary of culture of the nation, Pablo Avelluto, who described as “neo-liberal blowhards”.
In the registry, viralizado just today on social networks, the Green Book actor wears a t-shirt of San Lorenzo and, at the request of the Association of Directors of cinema PCI, refers to the removal of the then President of the National Institute of cinema and audiovisual arts , Alejandro Cacetta.

“Systems of State support for the film in countries like Argentina and France are unique and successful examples of the cultural promotion. They are admired around the world,”says the actor in perfect Spanish.
“The Argentine cinema is self-financing and is a source of pride for all Argentines. Thus Macri, Avelluto and all the neo-liberal blowhards, stop fucking. No to the destruction of Argentine cinema,”added Mortensen.
It should be recalled that at that time, according to La Nacion, he recorded several associations of producers, directors and actors said that this decision was “a smokescreen” seeking to “cover” the desfinancimiento of the local film industry.
In 2012, the actor had his first experience with the local industry, producing and starring in the movie we all have a plan, the Argentine filmmaker Ana Piterbarg.

Original source in Spanish

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