translated from Spanish: Government studying changes in earnings by worked holidays

“The national Government spoke of a”context of violence”when analyzing the strike on Tuesday, convened by the Trade Union front and anticipated that they are reviewing the claims for income tax according to the, reason why today stop the transport unions.” I never saw a strike a 1 ° de Mayo”, said the Minister of security, Patricia Bullrich, and confirmed that”the issue of earnings the days of holiday is studying”. “The officer admitted that perhaps”the worker should not be it work if this day was taken up by profits”and that that may be the”sense”of the strike today.” Trivial shutdown”
“The yesterday was a strike against a backdrop of violence,” Bullrich told radio Mitre and confirmed that the city police arrested more than thirty people with guns and drums of gasoline. “We had to do a security operation important to the threat faced by the nearly 400 bus terminals that have the Capital and greater Buenos Aires”, added.
“Unemployment is not only useless but that it was also irrelevant. Yesterday was a day bad for the country, but much worse to Moyano and unions who wanted to measure a force which yesterday showed.”

Bullrich also spoke about the attack to several banks in downtown Buenos Aires and offices of JP Morgan. “I hope that all private make a judgment and that the damage of each of the banks charge to the organizers of the March” attacked yesterday. It can not be that a Bank has to pay because a group of Lords break them stained glass”. According to the Minister, “trade unionism is fading in an idea that not is good for the country and repeated without thinking of things to do to help the workers.” Yesterday did you lose money to the country”, he insisted. In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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