translated from Spanish: To Rockstar: Cristina Fernandez presents his book and leaves in suspense presidential candidacy

Argentine former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (20 07-2015) presented Thursday in Buenos Aires “Sincerely”, a book in which he reviewed his life and his vision of the recent history of the country that he wants to serve as an “instrument of debate” in today “very difficult”.
“It began as a reflection on some things and try to be a reflection on us,” said the current senator in an act to about 1,000 people, between political figures, culture and media or human rights activists.
All of them had a special invitation for their access, because in view of the great anticipation of the event, held at the International Book Fair of Buenos Aires, both the political training of Fernandez and its editorial, Sudamericana, opted to narrow the access.
That is why outside the room Jorge Luis Borges of the land of the Rural, where the fair is celebrated, thousands of militants Kirchner congregated, many with partisan flags and chanting chants, to follow their leader through two giant screens: one inside of the enclosure and another in the street.

After remarking that it feels “deeply Argentina”, Fernandez revealed that after all that has lived in his life saw necessary to transmit these experiences in his first book as author.
“The book, far from posing clashes or quarrels, is a challenge to all, to the leadership not only political, social, trade union, business, cultural, society… In some parts of the book Interpelo much, “added the Exmandataria.
He insisted in his interest that “sincere” will serve Argentines as an “instrument of debate” from experience.
The widow of the former President Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) shared the stage with Maria Teresa Bano, president of the Book Foundation-non-profit civil organization of the fair-and Juan Ignacio Boido, director in Argentina Pengüin Random House Publishing Group, which publishes the book.
“After all we’ve been through I don’t believe in wonderful and perfect societies. I think there’s some reflection above what’s down there and vice versa, with our shortcomings limitations. I wanted to convey it primarily to young people, which is my great hope. What I had to live and I’m living and what the Argentines are living, “he said.
“They are difficult times, very difficult,” he lamented, in clear reference to the crisis that the country lives under the management of Mauricio MACRI and when there are only six months left for the presidential elections, to which the senator has not yet confirmed if it will be presented.

Original source in Spanish

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