translated from Spanish: Suspected thief dies as he flees and dumps the truck he had stolen, in Chavin, Michocán

Home Michoacán, security Suspected thief dies as he flees and dumps the truck he had stolen, in Chavin, Michocán

Chavin, Michoacán.-An alleged delinquent died after the tip-over of the truck that had previously stolen at gunpoint in this town of Chavin, police authorities said, which added that the vehicle transported footwear.
It was said that the holdup happened on Thursday afternoon and was a driver of the car who reported the situation to the number of emergencies 911.
It was so that some officers of the Michoacán police intervened, they located the truck and began a persecution, because the subject that was driving it did not stop and accelerated.
The patrolmen and the suspect moved on the road Marcos Castellanos-Chavin, but at a certain moment the individual lost control and the unit flipped over.
The uniformed ones approached to try to help the type, however, this one no longer had vital signs. The Guardians of the order they cordoned off the area of the accident, then the personnel of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office made the respective inquiries and moved the corpse to the morgue. The deceased is in the capacity of unknown.

Original source in Spanish

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