translated from Spanish: Demand zero discrimination for the LGBTTI community

Culiacan, Sinaloa.-members of the LGBTTI community, mothers, activists and human rights defenders demanded in the State Congress to end discrimination and legislate for the rights of people with sexual preferences Different. The state legislature held the magisterial conference “equal marriage in Mexico, the need for a regulation compatible with the Constitutional Framework”, given by the constitutional lawyer José Luis Caballero Ochoa, who stated in his Exposure that the same-sex union cannot continue to achieving with legal protection, as there are already sufficient reasons to allow equal marriage on the basis of the Treaties and recommendations of international organizations. 

The speaker clarified that the legislation of the legal union between these persons should be without modification of terms and conditions, i.e. it must be called marriage and the same rights and benefits must be established as heterosexual spouses or, Contrary, discrimination would be encouraged. Reproach
During the forum, the authorities ‘ postponement of public policies in the protection of homosexuals and discrimination was reproached. “I represent the mother who has to go to kindergarten, defending your child and saying that he has the same rights as everyone, does not feel the fear that a child comes and tells us that he is gay because we can protect him,” said Maria Rubio, activist and mother of a gay youth , who has formed a group of mothers. Equal marriage is voted on the following week 
With the completion of the stage of dialogue with the citizens interested in the legalization of equal marriage, the issue will be taking into consideration the plenary in the following week, abounded the president of the Committee on Constitutional points of the Local Congress, Horacio Lora.

He explained that, between Friday and Monday, the United commissions of constitutional points, gender equity and human Rights will hold a meeting to dictate the initiatives of law already presented.

Original source in Spanish

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