translated from Spanish: Talking with a shield in his hand

Public order seems to remain an end in itself and not a consequence of the democratic dialogue that governments have advocated over the past few decades.
Whether in La Araucanía, in a shot or in any manifestation, the State, through different governments, has systematically conditioned the possibility of dialogue on the density of the political capital of the complainant.
In this scenario, children and adolescents have an additional entry barrier, which places them in the position of subjects under an adult-centric regime, which has historically excluded them. In this way, today we end up seeing a group of special forces in a classroom, threatening those inside, in a very crooked version of what our authorities today understand by dialogue.
The poor training of police forces, the limited criteria and autonomy with which they carry out their function is thus revealed. In particular the case of the National Institute these weeks, has shown that the control of police action depends almost exclusively on how many people are recording an eviction, whether you are detecting any disproportionate action and reporting it.
In this same context, the use of tear gas continues to be applied indiscriminately to adolescents and the entire school community of the National Institute. This is a deterred tool in open spaces, which today remains busy to smother schoolchildren within their own classrooms.
Despite the recommendations of agencies such as INDH, these practices are still permitted, despite the inclusion of limits for the use of these tools, not being considered in the latest protocol update.
Children and young people continue to be subjected to a public judgment that measures them from obedience, never having considered inviting them to a conversation where they are heard as a social actor demanding rights.
The political instrumentalization of law enforcement in the face of the inability to generate spaces for dialogue must end, because if the police continue to absorb effervescence and citizen unrest, the list of victims of violence will also continue to grow, the list of victims of violence will also continue to grow Police.
Police action cannot continue to be the iron curtain with which political authorities shield theway from dialogue. On the contrary, if we are to rebuild trust and roll back institutional defonde, police forces are the first reform milestone with which the political establishment must commit itself to continue talking about democratic strengthening.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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