translated from Spanish: They found a 16-year-old girl unconscious in Vicente Lopez’s lodging hotel

A 16-year-old girl was found unconscious and in serious condition in a hotel room hosting Vicente López’s Bonaerense party. Early medical evaluations reflected that it showed signs of a severe blow to the head, although it was not detailed how it might have occurred. The incident occurred in the morning at the Costa Azul hotel, located between Juan Carlos Cruz and General Urquiza streets, in that district of the northern part of Greater Buenos Aires. His relatives indicated that he was suffering from seizures of epilepsy, and was in psychological and psychiatric treatment, they revealed police sources.

Once found in the room, the young woman was taken unconscious to the Vicente López Hospital, where doctors were able to resuscitate her, but then re-entered critical condition, indicated sources of that nosocomio. In this case, a 45-year-old man who entered the hotel with the minor remains in custody. Among other information, inside the room, police officers found marijuana, cocaine and alcohol. For the time being, the detainee was made available to the prosecutor of Vicente López Lida Osores Soler, who is under the Judicial Department of San Isidro.

Original source in Spanish

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