translated from Spanish: Demands UMSNH workers’ union punishes embezzlement managers

Morelia, Michoacán.- The workers of the Michoacana University are fed up with being punished for the mismanagement of officials, administration after administration, expressed the secretary general of SUEUM, Eduardo Tena Flores.
In the face of the statements of the rector, Raúl Cárdenas Navarro on the lack of resources from October and the need to carry out a reform of pensions and pensions, he said that “those of us who work in the institution are constantly threatened that our wages will not be covered in a timely manner, due to a financial embezzlement caused by thieves and corrupt officials who are even able to create and sustain a syndicate trade union that acts only to conceal its insatiable purposes of inflating a payroll trusted and basic staff, who are seen only every fortnight to collect in many units of Michoacana University,” he said.
He noted that statements to the media translate into harassment at work, “this is a threatening policy that we demand to stop, because before talking to us in the face, the rector makes invitations through the media and makes statements that psychologically affect workers under the issue of reforming the pension and pension regime for all Nicolaite workers and the lack of money for year-end wages.”
The SUEUM requires the rector to denounce those who have looted the Michoacana University for years and years and also to demonstrate what the efforts made to this day by the current administration have been.
Tena Flores recalled that in December 2018 the Committee on Citizen Participation of the State Anti-Corruption System (SEA) reported that it filed a complaint with the Comptroller’s Agency of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) for the finding of 14 ghost companies that served the institution over the past five years, to investigate a likely embezzlement at the top of the institution’s top think house, “we don’t know the outcome of that research.”
Some of the phantom companies that would have served the UMSNH are: Brecon, Constructora Aleka, Consorcio Enarh, Comercializadora Zerter, Designer Planprov, Grupo Akroin, Alejandro Ignacio Mendoza Rivera, Edgar Omar Méndez Ramírez, Monrat, Operadora LJA, and Virtox.
In addition to the situation of the so-called “Master Scam”, among other topics that, he established, must be addressed before wanting to harm workers.
“It is true that we are beginning to discover a great financial blowout that added to the indolence of the current administration makes us fall into it. We would do wrong if we continue to believe that the current president of the country will come to rescue the House of Hidalgo giving money to keep it taking out. Andrés Manuel López Obrador has declared it that he will give resources until there is transparency and accountability, not today but always. Of those who ransacked our university in recent times and who have a first and last name. And not washing hands with statements that I wasn’t, we demand to know who it was, as well as demand that the current rector threaten the university and the labor rights of its workers that are enforced by organic law and morality ” let’s not talk about the nicolaism anymore,” he argued.

Original source in Spanish

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