translated from Spanish: Violent Times – The Shower

In history, there have been political currents that speak of freedom and democracy with a rifle in hand, forcing or to think and feel the definitions of these terms as the weapon imposes it. And of course, dictating behavior is easier than motivating it, especially if it is by the force of the state that guarantees impunity in the face of abuse. On the other hand, the paradox of tolerance is the favorite refuge of groups that hide their perverse intentions under the cloaks of “ius sanguinis” or the “ius soli”… curious, considering that many of these champions of nationalism are children or grandchildren of immigrants, who hide their hatred in patriotism, using and abusing their needs.
Did you notice that I occupied patriotism and nationalism separately? And of course, to avoid being deceived, we must show the differences. Simply put, patriotism is the perverse excuse that nationalism has to falsely defend its ideology, put another way, patriotism is the body that expresses values and virtues, while nationalism, the cancer that kills it by promoting fear and hatred diversity.
But let’s get back to the point. With the massive uprising of leaders and movements that promote social “phobias,” adding up the cruellest “isms” language knows, along with the most extreme fundamentalisms, Newton’s third law manifests itself and calls for groups that were once essential in the anti-fascist struggle. Changing the historic armed struggle against power and its protection groups, the “neo-partisans” have taken knowledge as a shield and the dissemination of it as an armed strategy, with the RRSS being the new Browning, the streets the new Dreyse, and waiting turn the polls into the new Mark VIII.
We live in violent times, where hatred calls for tolerance and provokes toxic relationships between that ideology and the common good Should we tolerate intolerance?
From this humble space I make a call to end the paradox. Violence, or the ideas that promote it, cannot be tolerated; hate, or opinions that incite it, cannot be tolerated; fear and doctrines that cause it cannot be tolerated. Let us not be confused; this is not a war between left and right, it is a war, yes, but between personal freedom and neo-fascist ideologies that want to make submission look like the path of the common good.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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