translated from Spanish: Labour causes: in the last year they have been reduced by more than 50%

The significant reduction is due to the new Labour Procedural Code establishing, as in the Civil Force, an initial and a final hearing. Between the first and last stages, no more than 180 straight days can pass. And in turn it is always sought to reach a conciliatory stageIn 2017 19,675 new causes entered the workplace, in 2018 this number dropped to 9,388, thanks to the intervention of the OCL. In addition, with the implementation of orality, the causes that previously lasted between 3 and 4 years, now take less than 5 months. In the pilot tests that were conducted, of 64 initial hearings that were held, 25% was resolved by a conciliation stage so it was closed in less than 4 months. CONVENTIONThe Superintendency of Occupational Risks and Mendoza signed an agreement to launch a body of experts from the labor department in the province. In this way, Mendoza will become the first province to implement an official interdisciplinary body of Peritos del Fuero Laboral that will have direct intervention in those cases in matters of Occupational Risks.

The Pte. From SCJM, Dr. Jorge Nanclares, signed an agreement with the Superintendency of Occupational Risks that aims to create the Official Interdisciplinary Corps of Experts of the Labour Forces and the Expert Honorary Financing Fund. — Mendoza Judiciary Press (@PrensaJudicial)
September 10, 2019

The heading of the agreement implies that the SRT undertakes to cooperate, collaborate and assist with the necessary resources to The SCJM in the creation of an Official Interdisciplinary Corps of Experts of the Labour Charter. In addition, it is planned to carry out trainings for professionals in medical-legal matters, to adjust in their opinions to the List of Diseases Profesionales.La SCJM will be who, in practice, will proceed to the creation of the specialized professional body and the funding fund, as well as the call to call to be part of it, establishing the necessary requirements. The Convention contributes to an auxiliary to the courts of justice of the jurisdiction of Labour, by providing an effective service of justice to the affected worker. It is also part of the mutual collaboration that SRT and Mendoza have been sustaining for years in the fight for the decline of labor litigation. In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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