translated from Spanish: The disappearance of powers should not be used as political revenge: AMLO

Faced with requests from the Morena and PAN parties in the Senate of the Republic to disappear the powers in Tamaulipas, Guanajuato and Veracruz, in the face of high levels of violence, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested resorting to dialogue in rather than using such instruments as political revenge.
“Let it be dialogued, that procedures should not be used that should be applied without political tints to do justice,” he said at his morning conference on Wednesday.
Read more: Morena and PAN want disappearance of powers in Guanajuato, Tamaulipas and Veracruz
The president noted that with such measures “nothing is reached and only clashes occur.” He also recalled the misdemeanor against him in 2005, “I cannot accept that no one is a victim by political issues of a procedure established in law but promoted, driven, by revenge or to disqualify adversaries.”
He added that the proposal for the disappearance of powers affected not only the image of legislators, but also of the institutions, so he proposed that they “be fixed”, since these cases “correspond to the Prosecutor’s Office (General of the Republic) and the Judiciary”.
On the autonomy of the Legislative Power he said that “no one, much less a legislator who has every right to express himself, to express himself, but not to overdo it using those instruments, because nothing is reached.”
On Tuesday, the Plenary of the Senate of the Republic took turns to the Governing Committee the requests of the National Action Party (PAN) and Morena for the disappearance of Powers in Veracruz, Tamaulipas and Guanajuato.
This would involve the dismissal of governors in turn and the arrival of new administrations on the basis of Article 76, fraction V of the Constitution. 
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This article proposes that once the constitutional powers in an entity are disappeared, a holder of the provisional executive power will be appointed, who will call for new elections in accordance with the constitutional laws of the state. 
“The appointment of the (provisional) holder of the local executive branch shall be made by the Senate on a proposal on a proposal from the President of the Republic with the approval of two-thirds of the members present, and in recesses, by the Standing Committee,” says Article. 
Anyone elected as a provisional governor or governor “may not be elected as the executive branch” in elections to be held.
The Morena bench requests the disappearance of powers in the states of Guanajuato and Tamaulipas, both ruled by the PAN, the first by Diego Sinhue Rodríguez and the second by Francisco Javier Cabeza de Vaca.
In their petition, the Moranists argue that in Tamaulipas has increased violence since the arrival of Cabeza de Vaca, in addition to the alleged extrajudicial executions, and in Guanajuato the presence of criminal groups increased.
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For its part, the PAN calls for the disappearance of powers in Veracruz due to the increase of violence, violations of Congress to the Constitution and the recent impeachment of the prosecutor of that entity, Jorge Winckler.
Both petitions were turned over by the Plenary of the Senate of the Republic to the Governing Committee.
In previous interview for Notimex, Morena’s Senate coordinator Ricardo Monreal Avila acknowledged that it is very difficult for those requests to be made, but made it clear that Morena’s request is simply a reaction to the attitude assumed by the Panist lawmakers, who last week expressed their intention to request the disappearance of powers in Veracruz.
Meanwhile, the coordinator of the PAN senators, Mauricio Kuri González, stated that their request is very serious and that they are not playing, as they remove a person, from a constitutional autonomous body, if it is cause for the disappearance of Powers.
“Then you have to be serious, and of course I call to see the real problems that the country has and the real challenges that Mexico has,” he concluded.
With information from Notimex.
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Original source in Spanish

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