translated from Spanish: National Disability Collective convenes national march for this Tuesday, December 03

From the National Collective for Disability they pointed out that a press point will be held in the headquarters of the University of Chile this Monday 02 December at 11:00 hrs, in which they will refer to the called mobilization for the next d Tuesday, December 03, was consecrated as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. From now on they point out that the march and demonstration are joined by 180 organizations of and for people with disabilities, and that it will be held in 18 cities throughout the country. The meeting points will be as follows:1.- ARICA (Paseo 21 de Mayo, 11:00hrs). 2.- IQUIQUE (Plaza May 21, 10:00 hrs.) 3.- ANTOFAGASTA (Matta with Prat, 11:00 hrs.) 4.- LA SERENA (Plaza Buenos Aires, 10:00 hrs.) 5.- COQUIMBO (Empalme, 11:00 hrs.) 6.- VIIA DEL MAR (Vineyard Square, 11:00 hrs)7.- QUILLOTA (Plaza Quillota, 11:0 hrs.) 8.- SAN FELIPE (Lyceo América, 10:00 hrs.) 9.- LLAY-LLAY (Anchor Term, 11:00 hrs.) 10.- RANCAGUA (Plaza Los Héroes, 11:00 hrs.) 11.- PICHILEMU (Plaza Arturo Prat, 11:00 hrs.) 12.- CONCEPTION (Courts of Justice, 11:00 Hrs.) 13.- TEMUCO (Plaza Teodoro Schmidt, 11:00 hrs.) 14.- VALDIVIA (Republic Square, 11:00 hrs.) 15.- PUERTO MONTT (Mars Field. 11:00 hrs.) 16.- PUERTO VARAS (Arms Square, 11:00 hrs.) 17.- PUERTO NATALES (Plaza Bernardo O’Higgins, 110:00 hrs.) 18.- PUNTA ARENAS (Sanctuary Maria Auxiliadora, 11:00 hrs.) Regarding the demands, the group of organizations noted that the most relevant are:1.- Constitutional recognition of the PcD.2.- Recognition of Sign Language and Linguistic and Cultural Identity of Deaf Persons3.- Respect freedom accessibility and inclusion in education, at all levels. 4.- Ministry of disability 5.- Universal design and accessibility in Education, health, communication, labour and transport6.- Ensure the delivery of technical aids by the State, through Health and Education7.- Greater budget to work with the Disability 8.- Equip the pension scheme 9.- New constitution, via constituent assembly 10.- Free and accessible transport throughout the country 11.- Law on carers, with labor rights 12.- Universal accessibility

Original source in Spanish

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