translated from Spanish: U.S. Boy Scout Group filed for bankruptcy to face sexual abuse lawsuits

The U.S. Boy Scouts (BSA) filed for bankruptcy to deal with sexual abuse lawsuits filed against members of the association, according to the NGO itself. The youth organization, which celebrated its 110th anniversary on February 8, filed the document in the Delaware State District bankruptcy court, at a time when BSA is facing hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits by its affiliates and a reduction in the number of partners. As a result of the filing of bankruptcy, all civil sails against the association affecting thousands of alleged victims are suspended. BSA, in filing its accounts, claimed to have a liability of between $100 million and $500 million and its assets do not reach 50,000. According to the NGO, the declaration, which is in full force for Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, has two objectives: to “compensate equally for victims who were harmed during their stay with the Scouts and to continue fulfilling their mission over the years to come.” BSA intends to use the Chapter 11 process to create a Victim Compensation Trust that would provide equitable compensation to those affected,” the organization adds in a statement. In any case, the leaders of the organization plan to continue their “exploration, meetings, activities and other adventures, in addition to the countless service projects” and intend to extend them for “many years”. The Boy Scouts said they have cared about child sexual abuse victims and “sincerely apologize disregarded anyone who has been harmed” and encouraged those affected to come to justice. According to U.S. media, the BSA believes that more than 7,800 of its former leaders have allegedly been involved in sexual abuse of more than 12,000 children over the course of 72 years.

Original source in Spanish

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