translated from Spanish: Learn to be an astronaut: a free, online NASA program for all levels

Who has never dreamed of escaping the stars, especially now, with most of us locked in limited spaces and overwhelmed with tragic news? Well, NASA and the ISS National Lab are ready to help with a range of adventure programs and activities for all children and teens trapped in their homes that includes training programs to become an astronaut, guides to build a hovercraft, rocket launch and many more.

“Astronauts see the world from space and want to share their beauty and integrity,” Dan Barstow, education manager at ISS National Lab, explained through the website. “They do medical experiments to look for cures and help young people see the power of the mysterious Universe to attract us to explore.” This set of free educational activities equip parents to help students explore science subjects, from human biology and health to robotics, math and physics. In addition, they are designed specifically for the age and grade of school in which your children are located, with guides, practical experiments and videos to do from home.
“Perhaps through this work, in this dark time, we can make our contribution to helping young people feel hope, and we wish you and your loved ones health and safety,” Barstow concludes.

Original source in Spanish

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