translated from Spanish: Release Police Roads in Michoacán

Michoacán. – The Police of Michoacán yesterday carried out an operation to release the train tracks that were blocked in the municipality of Uruapan by normalists who claim to keep their registration in their schools, in an operation in which two people were arrested.
The State Public Security Secretariat indicated that, with the support of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), a police mobilization was carried out to remove vehicles that were placed by the normalists to prevent the passage of the railway at the height of the Caltzontzin community.” Two people were arrested at the scene and we recovered some vehicles from delivery companies that had been stripped of their drivers by the same protesters, setting up possible acts of crime,” he reported on Twitter.
The police operation allowed the re-exit of trains arriving or departing from the port of Lázaro Cárdenas, a strategic point for trade in the country.Normalists had retaken in the morning the blockades on the train tracks in Caltzontzin by placing vehicles that had been held to dealers from different companies, after last week they closed it three days in a row.

With this action, the passage of trains arriving or departing from the port of Lázaro Cárdenas is restored, and during the blockade they were prevented from transporting goods, affecting important production chains of Michoacán and Mexico.—SSP MICHOACÁN (@MICHOACANSSP)
May 4, 2020

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Original source in Spanish

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