translated from Spanish: Noroña holds PAN and PRI responsible for covid-19 deaths in Mexico

Mexico City.- In the standing committee, Deputy Fernando Noroña held the ADMINISTRATIONs of the PAN and PRI accountable for the deaths for covid-19 in Mexico, for the deplorable conditions in which they left the health system.
The dead of the pandemic are not our responsibility,” said the DEPUTY

At the permanent session of the Union Congress the issues of the coronavirus pandemic, the statements Emilio Lozoya Austin and the corruption case of a judge occupied the exposure time of deputies and senators in the rostrum.
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In Noroña’s participation, the deputy turned to the panistas and priists to tell them that coronavirus death “is the responsibility of many of you who gave the health system in bones.” At the same meeting, an exhortation was adopted to the National Coordination of Civil Protection, and their counterparts from the 32 federal entities, to strengthen the tasks of monitoring the safety protocols of hospital conversion units and In Covid-19 Temporary Care Centres.This proposal seeks “to ensure signs and spaces for evacuation routes , emergency exits, safety zones and meeting points, in case of earthquake, fire or any other natural event or caused by human error”. Similarly, the legislators proposed that the Secretariat of Labour and the State authorities in the field “inspect the protective equipment of health workers, so that they have what is necessary to safely care for and treat the population infected with the Sars-Cov2 virus (COVID-19)”. You may be interested in:

Original source in Spanish

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