translated from Spanish: Brazil overs four million covid-19 contagions

Brazil on Thursday surpassed four million coronavirus contagions since the onset of the pandemic, which shows timid signs of yielding after nearly 125,000 deaths in the country.
From the first case recorded on 26 February and the first death, on 16 March, the balance sheets reached 4,041,638 contagions and 124,614 dead, with an increase of 43,773 cases and 834bits in the last 24 hours.
After several months on a plateau with a daily average of more than a thousand dead, the South American giant has had a slight decrease since late August and counted an average of 869 deaths and some 40,000 contagions each day in the last week.
The Ministry of Health states that the numbers reveal a “drop” in the curve, but independent specialists suggest caution.
Under the thousands of deceased
The South American giant is the second most punished country in the world by the pandemic, but on Thursday it was again below thousands of daily deaths, after it recorded two consecutive days above that level, as 1,184 new deaths were counted on Wednesday and, on Tuesday, 1,215.
Brazil had been seeing an average of more than 1,000 deaths daily since the end of May, but the pandemic appears to show signs of stabilization in the country, which came to record five consecutive days below the thousands of daily deaths in recent days.
In addition, the Ministry of Health reported that 3,247,610 people have already recovered from the disease, representing 80.4% of the total number of infected persons.  Another 669,414 patients with positive diagnoses remain under medical accompaniment.
In absolute numbers, Brazil is the second most pandemic-scouring country, behind only the United States.

Original source in Spanish

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