translated from Spanish: Minister Paris comes out to answer Jadue’s questions: “Linking computer theft to a desire for concealment is ridiculous”

The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, came out in the wake of the sayings of the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, who assured that the theft of computers in the Health Seremi of the Metropolitan Region is “very convenient” for those who have been required by justice and refuse to hand over information.
Let us remember that, although health Seremi Paula Labra called for “no speculation” and brazened the abduction of “sensitive information” after the robbery, the facts occur just after the Executive denied the Prosecutor’s Office access to emails from former Health Minister Jaime Mañalich in the context of the criminal investigation for the alleged misinformation of figures from covid-19.
In line with the Seremi, the head of the Minsal considered it “ridiculous” to speculate that the computer theft that affected the Seremi of Metropolitan Health on Sunday may have resulted from some “desire for concealment” of evidence by the authorities.
During the televised report of today’s pandemic, Dr Paris stated that “there is no link between the abduction of Seremi computer equipment” and the aforementioned criminal case.
“That has been postulated by a mayor who I do not know what this accusation is based on, which is false and ridiculous, because the truth is that the computers were in the Seremi are 15 machines that were packed, absolutely new, unpacked; and four more machines that have only information from working people, refers to the Human Resources area of the Seremía,” he said.
“Anyway, the possibility of retrieving information is always there, so link this theft with an eagerness to conceal, confuse public opinion, treat officials badly; it does not sympathy with democracy, it does not sympathy with dialogue, it does not sympathy for the good intentions that most Chileans have, except some who see in these manoeuvres hidden things, strange things that it is not appropriate to say. There is no linkage, I deny it bluntly,” the minister concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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