translated from Spanish: Mexico exceeds 99,000 COVID deaths; lethality is reduced: Health

Health authorities reported 165 more deaths from COVID-19 coronavirus, for a total of 99,26 deaths caused by the disease.
They also confirmed 1,757 cases, so one million 11,153 people have become ill with the virus as far as the epidemic goes.
Read more: Vaccine is encouraging but no need to relax, WHO says on COVID
However, authorities estimate that out of 38,497 cases (3%) are active in presenting symptoms in the last 14 days.
The percentage of positivity, which indicates confirmation of COVID-19 cases after testing in suspected cases, is 42%.
According to official estimates, between weeks 44 and 45 of the epidemic, COVID-19 deaths have reduced by 2%, as well as in cases.
In terms of hospital occupancy, nationally in general beds it is 36%, while in bed beds with fan is 28%.

Nationally, 64% of general hospitalization beds are available and 36% occupied. In fan beds, 72% are available and 28% occupied. 2/2
— Hugo López-Gatell Ramirez (@HLGatell) November 18, 2020

Durango is the entity with the highest occupancy of general beds, with 70%, followed by Coahuila, 67%; Chihuahua, 66%.
In fan-cooled beds, Aguascalientes is the busier, with 61%; Is followed by Mexico City, with 54%; and Nuevo León, with 50%.
COVID-19 Lethality Reduced: Health
At a daily press conference, Undersecretary of Health Hugo López-Gatell argued that the percentage of lethality of the disease (the likelihood of dying if coVID-19 is available) has been reduced in recent weeks. 
According to the official, Mexico averaged 9.8 deaths per 100 cases of COVID-19, an indicator that has been reduced to 3.3, in the 45th week of the epidemic.

Although in some states suddenly the number of cases increases #COVID19, mortality has not increased substantially: @HLGatell.
— Political Animal (@Pajaropolitico) November 18, 2020

Meanwhile, mortality (likelihood or risk of a person dying from COVID-19 in a region) went from an average of 77.4% to 1.9 at week 45 of the epidemic.  


COVID-19 cases and deaths in Mexico

Updated information to those with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data since February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: On 5 October 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the register 2,789 more deces, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, i.e. those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that came into contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

New COVID-19 cases in Mexico

Updated information to those with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data since February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: On 5 October 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the register 2,789 more deces, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, i.e. those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that came into contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

Deaths confirmed by COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information to those with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

*They do not correspond to the day they occurred, but to the day they joined the total death log. Data since February 27, 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the country.

Note: On 5 October 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the register 2,789 more deces, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, i.e. those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that came into contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

COVID-19 case relationship in Mexico

Updated information to those with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data since February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: On 5 October 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the register 2,789 more deces, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, i.e. those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that came into contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

Daily percentage increase in confirmed cases

Updated information to those with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.


compared to the previous day

This graph shows the acceleration of the epidemiological curve from March 1.

The first confirmed case in the country was on February 27, 2020.

Note: On 5 October 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the register 2,789 more deces, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, i.e. those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that came into contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

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Original source in Spanish

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