translated from Spanish: Laura Prieto was outraged by statements by Maria Luisa Cordero: “It is the worst of the worst that can be to represent us politically”

Various reactions have generated Maria Luisa Cordero’s statements on CNN Chile. The constituent candidate said that “Chile has to be first for Chileans. There is an embarrassing situation in the north of the country, that women come to give birth, Bolivian and Peruvian, to take beds away from Chilean women.” Laura Prieto, was one of the public figures who referred to her words through social media. A real piece of this lady… I want you to tell me. I don’t think any woman can identify with this lady,” she left saying on Instagram. “This lady was friends with an ex-partner of mine and I shared with her for a long time. This lady was pleased to insult me, to say that I was not a decent woman, because I did not cook and did not attend to my guests at social gatherings, which was a slacker,” she added. Even the model assured that Lamb “was pleased to treat my family with ‘starvation’. I’m very proud of my family, but time agrees with you, it’s amazing. I can’t believe a woman today says ‘another woman is warmed to be hit’ or what she said about foreigners.” “I’m ashamed of others, ” he settled, clarifying that his criticism is not about politics. “I suck an egg in which this person milite party, but ethically it is aberrant, it is disgusting, it is ordinary. It’s the worst of the worst there can be to represent us politically as a constituent or as whatever. I don’t understand how this lady gets screened, she’s disgusting. As a woman, I’m disgusted by your statements.”

Original source in Spanish

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