translated from Spanish: Pentagon cancels border wall construction projects

The Pentagon announced on April 30 the cancellation of all U.S.-Mexico border wall construction projects paid for with military funds.
Former president Donald Trump had ordered the diversion of billions of dollars from the Pentagon budget to pay for the wall after Congress denied him funding.
President Joe Biden announced the arrest of the construction of the wall after taking over the government in January.

“According to the president’s proclamation, the Department of Defense cancels all border barrier construction projects paid for with funds originally earmarked for other military missions,” said deputy spokesman Jamal Brown.
The Pentagon “began to take all necessary actions” to put an end to these projects, he added.
Trump launched his presidential campaign in 2015 with a commitment to build a wall along the border with Mexico, a country he said would make pay for it.

Mexico refused, as did the House of Representatives after Democrats took over in 2018, following the mid-term elections.
Trump eventually overlooked Congress and turned directly to the Pentagon’s coffers, forcing him to allocate billions of dollars for the project.
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Original source in Spanish

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