translated from Spanish: Seek to increase the participation of children and adolescents in the constituent process

This 15 and 16 May, another relevant step is being made to the process of drafting the new Magna Carta for the country and the debate on the participation of children, adolescents and young people (NNAJ) is a key factor for those working to promote their rights.
For this reason, NGO WorldVision has set out to promote an agenda to promote a high-level debate on the participation of the infantojuvenil population in instances where its opinion is of great importance for the construction of Chile of the future. It should also be emphasized that webinars will be systematized and analyzed to influence public policies, so the objective is to create a document that can be delivered to the authorities the proposals that emerge during the talks.
Thus, the most unprotected humanitarian child aid organization will implement a two-cycle agenda of International Seminars with important academic actors to discuss their participation in the constituent process, and a second instance on the inclusion of children’s rights in the Constitution.
The first cycle called “Effective Participation of Children: Proposals and Challenges” is sponsored by the Children’s Ombudsman’s Office, Alberto Hurtado University and the Network of Universities for Children, and is a series of eight master classes with the leading academics proposing methodologies and public policy actions that guarantee the effective participation of children in social and public life.
The seminar began on Wednesday, April 28 at 9 a.m. and will be repeated every 15 days by the NGO World Vision Zoom.
The second cycle, called “Constitution and Childhood”, is co-organized with Diego Portales University, the Context Platform and the Center for Constitutional Studies of the Judiciary of Mexico, and began on Friday, April 23 via Zoom. Its purpose is to discuss the contents and fundamental legal elements of consideration of children’s rights in the Constitution. .
“Our global gaze has challenged us to bring big names to the country that they give us to bulk up and build proposals for children, adolescents and young people to express their opinion and to live the constituent process just like adult citizens, thus fostering instances where the importance of children’s participation in decisions concerning them is evident” , emphasizes the organization’s executive director, Harry Grayde.

Original source in Spanish

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