translated from Spanish: The Constitution in three words

As long as the election is not postponed through some trichiñuela again, we will soon be choosing the conventional ones. The task for them becomes complex and difficult from the very beginning, from the very moment of consensual an organization, a method and the systems necessary to give birth to the creature.
I have seen and listened to applicants in their different orientations, declines or deviations, making various promises, committing to achieve splendid futures, offering substantial changes, undeformable rights, collective privileges, exclusive equalities, rotating tortillas and guaranteed futures.
I suspect that all these autumn offers, plus the illusions of all hopeful ones, are not going to be easy to agree on and get.
For my part: I would like to ease the burden on those who are marked by the divine suffrage of the mortal people and I ask you for only three gifts which, if granted, would make the happiness of me, my family, my friends, my co-religionists, my neighbors, my ward, my city and my country.
These are the three words that were at the origin and are supposed to be the first stone of the building to be built. I think it is necessary and sufficient to redefine and recover them:
Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.
They will reply to me that I ask little, that this is given, that for a couple of centuries our civilization and our country have been fully so delicias, that it would have been unnecessary to have all the scaffolding of a Constitutional Convention to establish something long since granted and constituted in the guiding principles of our coexistence, of Democracy with capital letters.
Because we live in Democracy, don’t we?
More than some will laugh in my nose, others will carraspe and turn the page; there will be no need for the principality to write a diatribe against me, nor who will put me on Twitter. Or nothing will happen. Never mind.
I stubbornly insist: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.
I extend myself and explain:
-When I say “Freedom”, I am not referring to my infinite desire to be free. I’m not thinking about the freedom to enjoy my freedom. I’m talking about each other’s freedom. To respect the other, and to recognize and promote their right to freedom. Because I suspect that we are champions to promote and enforce our freedom to restrict the freedom of others. But to be truly free I need to work and fight for each other’s freedom. that.
“When I say “Equality,” I am referring, for example, to the equal possibilities that should exist.
Because equal opportunities already have me up to my ass! Everyone names her after the panacea and she’s not. Because currently a child of the Sename can come to face at any given moment the same opportunities of a child from Santiago College, but never the same possibilities. Taking or taking advantage of the opportunities presented to them is an individual thing, of every child, of every young person, of every citizen. But for everyone to have the same “possibilities” is a collective thing, of all of us, that is, of the state.
And then equality, which is now not the same, would begin to resemble equality. that.
-When I say “Fraternity”, I mean the community, by collaborating, to the coming-and-go-all, to the ability to be a joint, to be a team, to be citizens, to face together the current and future tasks. Those that come hard, difficult and complex to us. The competition dies!
As Humberto Maturana said: “Let’s stop talking about competition, so that collaboration appears.”
Because for one to win the competition, many others have to lose. And we should not wish or enjoy the defeat of the other.
Each coming out of the pandemic alone? Against whom? Beating who? Each stepping on others to overcome the crises that are taking place and some already bursting? It won’t work. Just as it hasn’t worked in the last 40 years. that.
Three words, three rights and three duties. That’s all I’m asking. Because of these three well-thought-out, explained and developed words, the most affectionate and just society that we have not yet been able to realize should emerge.
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
Live the Révolution!

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect The editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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