translated from Spanish: Moral duty to return to the best interests of our children

The millionaire debt that would exceed the two hundred million pesos of a presidential candidate for the non-payment of alimony, as well as the more than three hundred billion pesos retained for this concept during the successive withdrawals of 10% of pension funds, are figures that make visible a problem that seriously affects our population and especially our children.
That is why we value the bill, initiated in a presidential message, which proposes important reforms to our rules on family abandonment and payment of alimony and which is in the second constitutional process in the Senate. This is a great advance -without prejudice that it could be perfectible-, considering such important elements as the creation of a National Registry of Maintenance Debtors, introducing improvements to the maintenance trial procedure, the impossibility of adopting those included in the registry and sanctioning behaviors that affect the economic subsistence of the family as constituting domestic violence, among other subjects.
Undoubtedly, it is an initiative that must be approved urgently, an issue that, as a Faculty, we have been working on for a long time, since the Academy cannot remain indifferent to this reality. We hope that it will be enacted in the shortest possible time, so that we can achieve figures that do not reflect the ineffectiveness of the system. Today only 15% of feeders fulfill their obligation, it is clear that we are forgetting the guiding principle of the best interests of our children and adolescents, so we are failing seriously as a society. We must act now, before it is too late.

The content expressed in this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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