Sernac will require compensation to BancoEstado for fraud cases

Sernac opened a Voluntary Collective Procedure (PVC) with BancoEstado in order to seek compensation for consumers affected by undescognized transactions in its banking products. The service has received multiple complaints against BancoEstado for the rejection or delay in the return of amounts associated with transactions not recognized by consumers. The figures will be collated and confirmed as part of the process. The claims account for different types of fraud, although they have in common, the improper theft of funds, which in some cases reaches up to one million pesos. In the same way, there are cases related to breaches in the deadlines contemplated in the law (Law of responsibility for financial fraud) to make restitutions of un recognized charges. The director of Sernac, Lucas Del Villar, said that this action seeks to protect affected consumers and “ensure that everyone has access to the rights given to them by the Law of liability for fraud and are compensated for any breach.” BancoEstado only for the product CUENTA RUT has about 13 million customers, so the claims are a low percentage in relation to the universe of consumers who have these products, “which shows that it is not necessarily a generalized problem, but there are deficiencies in the Response of the Bank to its customers to fraud, especially when many of those affected are older adults who do not have the knowledge to conduct electronic transactions.” The authority explains that the Voluntary Collective Procedure is part of the monitoring of compliance with the Fraud Liability Law that incorporated new rights for consumers of financial products in these situations.

Original source in Spanish

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