INE asks for one thousand 138 million pesos to the Treasury for revocation of mandate

The National Electoral Institute (INE) presented on Thursday a request for additional resources to the Ministry of Finance, for an amount of one thousand 738 million 947 thousand 155 pesos, to carry out the revocation of mandate.
Through a statement, the INE reported that the request was made in compliance with the ruling of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) in which it is established that, both the Treasury and the electoral body, within the scope of their respective competences, “are obliged to promote, respect, protect and guarantee the human and political rights of citizens.”
Therefore, “the Ministry of Finance, as part of the State, must also guarantee the effective exercise of political rights through promoting the obtaining of all elements, including budgetary resources, so that the revocation of the mandate can be carried out.”
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The Institute said it has made additional budget adjustments to reduce the cost of the exercise from 3.82 billion pesos to 3.306.73 million. In addition, through adjustments 64.4 million were allocated, which are added to the thousand 503 million already available, However, the agency maintained that “these resources are insufficient to organize a revocation of mandate with all the characteristics and number of boxes that are determined in the legislation.”

The Executive Secretary of the Institute, Edmundo Jscobo Molina, assured that, regardless of the response of the Treasury, the revocation will be made with the resources that the INE finally has.
“This will not mean that the INE has a planning problem, it means that the institution works and does everything possible to make the right to participation effective in a context of uncertainty,” he clarified.
The INE’s request to the Treasury comes after the TEPJF and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) ordered the Electoral Institute to continue with the organization of the revocation consultation, since the electoral councilors had decided to postpone the exercise due to lack of budget.
The Electoral Tribunal also asked the Ministry of Finance to grant the resources necessary for the electoral arbitrator to comply with his obligation to organize and execute the consultation to revoke his mandate.
For his part, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the Treasury will see if it can and has the possibility of supporting the INE with resources, without this affecting any program.
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Original source in Spanish

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