15 municipalities in Guanajuato hit by insecurity

So far this year, violence has increased in 15 of the 50 municipalities considered priorities by the Federation. According to the federal government’s monthly security report, the growth in intentional homicides in these localities was 17.5 percent on average. Among the municipalities with an increase in violence are Celaya, Guanajuato, which went from 210 murders from January to July 2021, to 277 crimes in the same period this year. Just on Wednesday, Guillermo Mendoza Suárez, son of the PAN Mayor of Celaya, Javier Mendoza Márquez, was murdered in that municipality. Comparing the same periods, Morelia, Michoacán, went from 186 to 230; Cancun, Quintana Roo, from 170 to 187; Uruapan, Michoacán, from 153 to 155, and Mexicali, Baja California, from 142 to 173. The report, presented during yesterday’s morning in Tijuana, also reports an increase in murders in the capital of San Luis Potosí, where it went from 136 to 147, while in Irapuato, Guanajuato, from 136 to 158. Salamanca, Guanajuato, went from 91 to 94; Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico, from 68 to 72, and Puebla, Puebla, from 65 to 107, among other municipalities. At the National Palace conference, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSCP), stressed that 33 priority municipalities had a decrease in this crime and 2 remained unchanged. “In the 50 priority municipalities where we are concentrated, here there is a decrease of 14 percent and where 33 municipalities registered a decrease of 23 percent on average and 15 municipalities register an increase of 17.5 on average,” he said. In the 50 priority municipalities, which concentrate the highest incidence of homicides, joint actions are deployed such as strengthening security and intelligence work. Also regulation of black turns; increase in patrols in colonies with higher incidence; combating drug trafficking and actions to contain femicidal violence, he said.  The most violent During July there were 2,679 victims of intentional homicide throughout the country, a figure that placed that month as the second most violent of the year. In first place is May, with 2,827 murders. Statistics from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) indicate that the entity with the most murders last month was Guanajuato, with 289. We recommend you read: Baja California followed, with 265; State of Mexico, with 210; Chihuahua, with 199; Jalisco, with 192; Michoacán, with 166, and Sonora, with 141. In contrast, the states with the fewest crimes during July were Baja California Sur, with 2; Yucatan, with 4; Aguascalientes, with 7, and Tlaxcala and Campeche with 9 each. Before President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Rodríguez stressed that last month was the July with the fewest homicides in the last five years.  Cars burned in Guanajuato for the second time in the week

Original source in Spanish

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