De la Carrera: the most authentic rejection of the right, reminiscent of the dictatorship

Let’s start with the fact that the tweet of Deputy Gonzalo De la Carrera – that the Apruebo was looking for votes among the dead – exceeded the code of what is acceptable in this campaign. Not only because of the bad taste, macabre irony – a code very penalized by the population – and the lack of empathy with the relatives of Disappeared Detainees, but because it was a provocation in moments of maximum polarization, with an action that sought a reaction. It is these same characters who usually make the environment rarefied and then do not take charge of their behaviors. If there is something that society should demand of those who hold positions of public responsibility, it is prudence and a spirit of collaboration, beyond their positions.
The truth is that De la Carrera, from his tweet incontinence – he dedicates much of the day to sending strongly provocative messages – has had a merit: sincerity. Because the Republican deputy, and several of his peers, have made clear what they think of the country, of democracy and, of course, of the Constitution. Without hairs on the tongue, without “adorning” their story and without anchoring their leaders, unlike the strategy defined by Chile Vamos, which chose to submarine its own, in order to avoid flight of votes to the Apruebo, especially from people of the center-left culture or from many people who voted Approve at the entrance – almost 80% of the population – and who want a change in the Constitution signed by Augusto Pinochet.

The more traditional right-wing strategy has been smart and successful so far. “Anchor” and leave the spokespersons and the first line to the ex-concertacionistaistas, the “subcontractors”, as Daniel Matamala baptized them. If we look at the strip, forums and presence in the media and social networks, it is Warnken, Rincón, Walker or Harboe who have been “the faces” of the right in the campaign. That is why the merit of the Republicans, who this last month of the campaign have sincere their positions: they do not want to change a comma to the current Constitution. Nor did they sign the agreement of the 10 points presented by Chile Vamos, they denounced interventionism, criticized the Servel – led by a UDI – and its 15 parliamentarians voted against the project that lowered the quorums to 4/7.
It is always better to know what a political group really thinks or proposes, than to know later the rabbits that they can take out of the hat, when it is no longer necessary to resort to the “subcontractors”. What good will Rincón or Amarillos on the right on September 5 be used? Little, because from then on they will have to bring out the “fondeados” to outline their candidacies – the municipal ones are already around the corner – and leaders with electoral views and, of course, to try to lead the second half of the constitutional process.
Of course, unless they are thinking, regrouping and incorporating that “center-left for Rejection”, several of whom already began the route to the right a while ago, such as Soledad Alvear, Mariana Aylwin or Javiera Parada, who were already part of the campaigns of one of the three parties of the right-wing coalition in 2021. Because if there is something that our political elite lacks, it is sincerity and transparency in front of the citizens, even more so when what comes from September 5 will be complex and that can carry many risks. Sincerity from Teillier to JAK to know what they will be willing to offer and give in the second stage of the constitutional process.
The 4S plebiscite is less than two weeks away and the question is how much these acts of sincerity of the extreme right will be able to influence the voters, considering that 80% of the citizens have already expressed their will to change the Constitution and that today, in the Rejection, we have in the same boat those who continue to yearn for Pinochet with others who fought against the dictator. A mixture not only strange but also dangerous. And although I prefer politicians who transparent their positions, even if they are politically incorrect – like De la Carrera – instead of “anchoring themselves”, it is also not healthy for democracy, nor tolerable, that there are parliamentarians who mock issues as sensitive and serious for many Chileans, such as the Disappeared Detainees.

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Original source in Spanish

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