Fabián Doman assumed the presidency of Independiente

After winning the elections last Sunday, the journalist Fabián Doman assumed this afternoon the presidency of the Independent Athletic Club in a protocol act that took place at the headquarters of the institution of Avellaneda.The transfer of authorities was attended by the new board of directors and the outgoing leadership. In fact, Hugo Moyano and Héctor Maldonado were present at this meeting and presented Doman with a diploma.

Night of signatures at the Headquarters of Mitre 470 ✍️Fabián Doman, Juan Marconi and Daniel Seoane signed the minutes and officially assumed as directors of the Institution#TodoRojo pic.twitter.com/coORY29aQD — C. A. Independiente (@Independiente)
October 6, 2022

“We welcome the new Board of Directors and wish him the best for the future of Club Atlético Independiente,” the Avellaneda institution published through its official communication networks.For its part, Doman expressed on his Twitter account: “Honor, pride and joy of assuming the responsibility of being the new President of the club of my loves. Let’s go Red.” It should be remembered that last Sunday the Independent Unity group won the presidential elections with 72% of the votes.

Original source in Spanish

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