The Venezuelan opposition eliminated the “interim government” of Juan Guaidó

In Venezuela yesterday, a group of former opposition deputies approved the reform of the statute for the transition that proposes the elimination of the interim government of Juan Guaidó after four years trying to depose Nicolás Maduro.With a total of “72 votes in favor, 29 votes against, eight votes saved”, the National Assembly, a body parallel to the legislative power and recognized by all State institutions, adopted the opinion. The political parties that organized this initiative were Primero Justicia, Acción Democrática, Un Nuevo Tiempo and Movimiento por Venezuela, after they argued that the interim government had been weakened and that it should be dissolved after not having met the proposed objectives. Guaidó proclaimed himself “president in charge” in a public square on January 5, 2019, with the support of the United States and 50 other countries, claiming that Maduro’s re-election in 2018 was a fraud. Although Washington still considers the Guiadó government legitimate, the truth is that after the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine and the oil crisis that this entailed, the United States sent delegates to meet with Maduro. for which Guaidó sounds like one of the candidates.

Original source in Spanish

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