GPT Chat: Threat or Assistance?

“This is one of the four most important milestones of digital technology,” was the phrase used by Bill Gates, referring to the current status of artificial intelligence (AI), which became a phenomenon after years of research and technological development. Thus, at the end of November 2022, the OpenAI firm launched “Chat GPT”, which would begin the democratization of these technologies.
Why democratization? The answer lies in the data. In its first five days, Chat GPT reached one million people, and by January of this year there was already talk of 100 million users. With these numbers, it is important to understand the implications that this technology can have on people’s daily lives or in different industries, such as marketing.  
“Generative AI”, the automated generation of content, is customized according to the preferences of each user. Although with its limitations, this type of content has the potential to transform the world of creativity, impacting marketing, software, design, entertainment and interpersonal communications in general by imitating human creative work. And it can be perceived as such by casual observers.
Jasper, for example, is a marketing-focused version of GPT-3. It can produce blogs, social media posts, website texts, ads, and other customer-facing content. This impacts companies of all sizes, as it allows to optimize efforts and obtain assistance in various lines of work, regardless of the number of personnel hired, leveling the field between large, medium and small in marketing. 
For many, this can be alarming. In fact, many creative professionals see this development as a threat. Don’t panic. Backwards; We should be glad for the assistance we will get from these tools, as it will expand the field towards new challenges and open the door to new ideas when we can no longer think of them. According to Jonothan Hunt, senior creative technologist at Wunderman Thompson, “Tools like ChatGPT are having a huge impact because they don’t just help in creation; They also help with research, ideation, and even prototyping. Virtually all the tangible ‘results’ of a creativity.” In other words, it concretizes what I have an idea in my head and guides me to a co-created result in just seconds!
The sooner you adopt them, understand them and make them part of your workflow, you will realize that you can deliver even more value as a professional in your area. 
I’ll leave you, I’ll go give some concept ideas to DALL-E 2 to help me design my next tattoo. I need assistance in creativity.
PS: I made this article with the help of ChatGPT
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Original source in Spanish

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