As long as food security is not guaranteed, we have no future: Toño Carreño

The field is one of the most forgotten areas by the three levels of government
Morellia, Mich. – The agricultural sector is one of the most forgotten by the three levels of government and as long as food security is not guaranteed, we cannot talk about good policies nor can we guarantee a good future for Mexicans, Michoacans and the people of the municipalities, said Toño Carreño Sosa, according to a statement.
At a press conference, the state coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano and the state coordinator of linkage with the agricultural sector, lamented the lack of public policies in favor of the countryside, so from the great Orange Movement, work is already being done to generate projects with a vision of the future, which will be included in the electoral proposals of their candidates in 2024.
In this way, the state coordinator, Toño Carreño, acknowledged that the issue is complicated by climate change and land use, among others, but if it continues without actions of real benefit, food crises could be reached that would result in a very complicated future.
However, he said, in Movimiento Ciudadano we seek to support and link with the countryside; Last Monday, in Guanajuato, the Seminar of Good Governments was held, with the theme precisely of the field, to generate a project with a vision of the future and insisted that real commitments will be included by all candidates by 2024.
The work in favor of the agricultural sector is already carried out in Movimiento Ciudadano; In fact, said Mario Guzmán Monares, state coordinator of linkage with the agricultural sector, it has already met a series of goals and there are various programs and projects in favor of them, together with the fact that work is being done on the integration of specific municipal coordination for the sector.
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Michoacán abounded is in the ranking 10 of the states with the greatest activity in the field and therefore seeks greater production through improving conditions in each area, but also in forestry, livestock, fishing and environmental activities.
We have advanced in the Moving the Countryside program, added Mario Guzmán, with support for low-cost supplies, with deliveries in a timely manner; approaches for the acquisition of machinery to be efficient in production; Advice on different topics and reforestation days.
In fact, he revealed that a great orange team and citizens, 15 thousand trees have already been planted and in July a new day begins to reach the goal of 30 thousand, together with a series of efforts that are carried out and have been specified in favor of citizenship.
Finally, he celebrated that through Movimiento Ciudadano the visual health program in favor of the rural sector has been consolidated, with low-cost lenses and the possibility of carrying out the list of successors, by bringing public notaries closer to different communities so that they can define who will be their beneficiaries.

Original source in Spanish

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