The ruling party did not achieve a quorum and the session fell in the Senate

The ruling party did not get a quorum and the session fell in the Senate, where legislators planned to deal with 75 lists of judicial officials appointed by the Executive Branch to integrate chambers, courts, defense offices and prosecutors’ offices throughout the country, among other pending issues. After 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, only 34 lawmakers were in the chamber. Three less than the 37 needed to start the session to which the ruling party had convened.” If there is no quorum, the session is adjourned,” said the provisional president of the Senate, Claudia Ledesma Abdala.The board in the Senate indicated that there were 34 legislators present. Photo: Capture.After the debate, the upper house closes another week without meeting in ordinary session. The last time was on April 13. Since then, the legislators went down to the chamber to listen to the management report of the Chief of Cabinet, Agustín Rossi.The debateAmong the agreements requested by the national government was the appointment of Ana María Figueroa, member of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, who, together with judges Diego Barroetaveña and Daniel Petrone, must decide whether to confirm the closure or reopening of the Hotesur-Los Sauces case, in which Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her children were investigated for money laundering and dismissed. Figueroa is about to turn 75, the retirement age for judges. He needs, therefore, the agreement of the Senate to continue in office for five more years. The parliamentary decree also included in the agenda the bill under review that authorizes the entry of foreign troops into the national territory and the departure of national troops to participate in military exercises. The senators also had on their benches other bills such as the fluoridation of salt for human consumption, the one that creates the National Program of Books to Learn, the one that creates the treatment and prevention of precocious puberty and the one that establishes the medical-assistance procedures for the attention to perinatal death.

Original source in Spanish

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