Riquelme spoke to the Boca fans who participated in the flag-raising: “We can’t let the club intervene in us”

After the suspension of the elections in Boca due to a precautionary measure requested by the opposition made up of Andrés Ibarra and Mauricio Macri, thousands of fans came out to demonstrate against the dictates and in favor of the official candidate, Juan Román Riquelme, who, with a video on social networks, had announced that he would be present. The march, with its epicenter in Parque Lezama, ended with a walk to La Bombonera, and included the presence of the current vice president, who, surrounded by a crowd, joined the caravan in a white van that was slowly advancing. Alongside him, there were also Barijho, Giunta and Ameal, the current president and vice-presidential candidate.Photo: TélamOnce the tour was over, Riquelme and his companions entered the parking lot of the stadium and, a few minutes later, stood in front of the fans present there to give a speech. First of all, I really want to thank you. Today is a wonderful day. To all those who came, today they took away the possibility of enjoying a great day. Today we had to vote and enjoy being on the pitch. Today we should be enjoying a party because the club belongs to all of you,” he began. Then, he took it upon himself to make it clear to those present that “the club belongs to you”, and continued with a strong request: “We cannot in any way let the club intervene in us. That’s what they want. Don’t think about anything else than that, don’t let your head eat at anything other than that, the gentleman is going to intervene in our club, that can’t happen.” Finally, he pointed out that “I am proud to be a fan of this club, just another bostero like you”, and closed by asking that “we sing very loudly that song that for me is the most beautiful in the world. ‘ I’m a bostero, it’s a feeling, I can’t stop.’ I love you so much, thank you so much.”

Original source in Spanish

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