What is white depression?

Mexico. – During the holiday season, which is usually a great time of happiness for people, some experience what is called “Christmas Depression”.
“Christmas depression”, also known as “white depression” or “Christmas blues”, is a state of mind that is characterized by showing negativity or discouragement to everything that has to do with the Christmas season.
Patricia Bermúdez Lozano, professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), explains that this may be due to the fact that the holiday season is one of great stress and exhaustion, people may feel demotivated by not having economic stability or by unresolved problems in their personal lives.
The condition is not recognized as a disorder, but it may be genetically predisposed in those who have had family members who suffer from severe depression.
Some of the symptoms they may suffer from are insomnia, anxiety, sadness, lack of appetite and bad mood.
Some of the ways to overcome it are, managing thoughts, forgiving, doing activities that bring you pleasure, realizing that it is not personal, joining support groups, doing altruistic activities, and taking therapy, something that many people tend to avoid.

Original source in Spanish

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