Dillom denounced for his statements against Luis Caputo

After Dillom spoke out against Economy Minister Luis Caputo at Cosquín Rock, lawyer Jorge Monastersky sued him for “incitement to violence and aggravated threat.” In addition, he explained that “Dylan León Massa, on the occasion of the recital before a crowd of more than 45,000 people live, added to the millions who watch him on TV, platforms and radios, says between a ‘song’, ‘Caputo in the square has to be killed'”, and added that “we cannot continue to normalize abnormality. Freedom of expression has limits and they are clear.” He also said that “it seems that various statements that clearly incite violence are looking for a private person to make an attempt on the life of a public official. It is extremely serious, as I have already been observing and bringing to the attention of the courts.” And he concluded by requesting that Dillom be summoned to testify. In recent times, an immense number of crossovers between the political and cultural spheres are developing, in fact, on Saturday, Milei questioned the organization of the festival, so José Palazzo crossed it and, in addition, Lali Espósito once again demonstrated and demonstrated their differences.

Original source in Spanish

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