The cross between Lali and Ayelén Alonso in X Factor: “You’re not interested in my opinion”

With her heart divided between Buenos Aires and Madrid, Lali, who has just launched a new collaboration with Taichu, and won 3 Gardel Awards, starred in a tense moment in Factor X reality in which she is working as a judge in Spain. The back-and-forth with Ayelén Alonso, one of the most controversial participants of the contest, earned the artist some complaints from the Paraguayan fandom that follows the young woman who represents them from the Hispanic contest and in the face of criticism, Lali came out to clarify some issues through her social networks. “Relax, loves! This is a TV show and everyone expresses themselves as they feel and want!” he began by saying. And he added: “I always say what I think with respect, just like my teammates, you can see it in everyone who has been there! Everyone knows and on TV you see everything, nothing happens at all,” he said. And he concluded: “Whoever wins, we will celebrate it as we celebrate the opportunity to enjoy everyone’s talent and to share this with my beautiful fellow jurors. And we’ll celebrate with whoever wins the jackpot this time. We are here to contribute to those who want to receive it and have a good time, nothing more. The final is coming, crazy. Here always with the best energy and love.” What happened between Lali and the contestant? In her last presentation and when it was time to give the feedback, it was Vanesa Martin, one of the jurors, who began by talking to the participant about some issues that have to do with fame and humility. “I want to say that there is not a single artist who is great who has not gone through many ‘no’s’ and adversities. When we start we have to have a very beautiful humility that has to be sustained over time, but sometimes fame manipulates or molds you. I just told you not to get out of your essence, your soul, your style, your form, your folklore, because Karol G there is only one…”, said the artist. And he continued to raise the gauntlet about the criticism he received in this regard: “Maybe I wasn’t understood well, maybe my way of saying things sometimes isn’t the most ideal. But I don’t say goodbye to anything, my love. And I apologize if it bothered you, but I don’t say goodbye to anything, he stressed that don’t leave your identity. Because today I continue to see an Aye, regardless of her identity,” said the jury. Faced with this, Lali added to Vanesa’s words and said: “I feel that you are not interested in our opinion at all because it does not make you feel flattered, that is why I am going to summarize it,” she advanced about her return. “We all go through adversity, everyone has the career they have because of the effort they put into it and the work they put into it. We are here, being four very respectful people, to say what we think and nothing we say is destructive. I think it’s disrespectful for you to say we’re destructive people. We are four artists with a lot of work behind us,” he remarked. He added: “We are very respectful of every single person who stood there. If you don’t like what we think… I also respect that you don’t care about my opinion or that of any of my colleagues, but I want you to know that you came to a program that is a talent show that is about one person who sings and four people who, with the best of vibes, give their opinion,” he summarized, and concluded: “If it bothers you so much, Maybe it wasn’t the place for you to introduce yourself. You can sing and do a super race just the same. That’s it…”, he concluded. After listening to the return, the participant took the floor and was surprised by Lali’s attitude, expressing that she did not understand the reason why she was alluded to. This didn’t sit well with the singer at all, who put the dots back in the middle of the program: “Well, don’t make a fool of yourself either.”

Original source in Spanish

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