“We rule out the hypothesis of Loan’s loss”: prosecutors in the case spoke

The Prosecutor’s Office investigating the case of the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña charged five of the detainees with aggravated recruitment of people for the purpose of exploitation, while the local commissioner was accused of alleged concealment, so the case went to the Federal jurisdiction.Antonio Benítez, Mónica del Carmen Millapi, Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez, María Caillava, Carlos Pérez was charged with the crime of recruiting people for the purpose of exploitation aggravated by the fact that the victim was under 18 years of age. The first three are listed as primary participants, and marriage as material co-perpetrators. With respect to Commissioner Walter Maciel, he was charged with concealment by actual favor, qualified by the seriousness of the preceding crime and the author’s status as a public official.” There was a shoe recognized as Loan’s but no dog took the trail anywhere, the shoe was placed in that place. This is related to a clear alteration of the scene of the event,” said Guillermo Barry, one of the prosecutors in the case. 11 days after the disappearance of the minor, the prosecutor’s office maintains that there is sufficient incriminating evidence against the new detainees such as: the result of what the dogs sniffed in two vehicles of the couple and that Loan never left the land where his grandmother’s house is. Everyone is under suspicion, including the father,” they detailed. Another issue that transpired in the last few hours is that one of the detainees, Carlos Pérez, tried to take his own life. Faced with this scenario, the prosecutor’s office informed this media that “the suicide attempt is false.”

Original source in Spanish

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