translated from Spanish: The LXlll legislature of the Congress of Sinaloa culminates its work

Sinaloa.- After three years of legislative work in the Congress of the State of Sinaloa, the deputies that make up the LXIII legislature, close the last Ordinary Period of Sessions.In Solemn Session, virtual modality, the Permanent Deputation was elected, which will meet during the recess from the month of August to September, which will be chaired by the legislator José Rosario Romero López , having as an alternate the deputy Horacio Lora Oliva, both of the parliamentary group of Morena.
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The Permanent Deputation was approved by a majority of votes and who will be part of it will be the president, José Rosario Romero López (Morena), Secretary Jesús Ramón Monreal Cázarez (Morena), Member Graciela Domínguez Nava (Morena) Vocal Sergio Jacobo Gutiérrez (PRI), Member Jorge Iván Villalobos Seáñez (PAN) Vocal Rosa Inés López Castro (Morena), Vocal Mariana de Jesús Rojo Sánchez (Morena) , Vocal Gloria Himelda Félix Niebla (PRI), Vocal Apolinar García Carrera (PT). And the alternates will be as President Horacio Lora Oliva (Morena), Secretary José Antonio Crespo López (Morena), Vocal Yeraldine Bonilla Valverde (Morena) Vocal Jorge Rodríguez Ayala (PRI), Vocal Roxana Rubio Valdez (PAN), Vocal Florentino Vizcarra Flores (Morena) Vocal Juan Ramón Torres Navarrro (Morena) Vocal Guadalupe Iribe Gascón (PRI) Vocal Fernando Mascareño Duarte (PT). For her part, the president of the board of directors, Roxana Rubio Valdez, thanked the opportunity to occupy the presidency, and recognized the progress that was made in approving legal instruments for the benefit of society. Read more: $500 million pesos will cost the popular consultation, from the INE budget: Sinaloa coordinator”Without a doubt we all took a pleasant experience and gave our best by proposing legal instruments aimed at solving the social demands we faced during our mandate, even though in the legislative work there were ideological differences, respect always prevailed , dialogue and above all tolerance between parliamentary groups,” said the PAN legislator.

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