translated from Spanish: Caution: If you automedicas with drugs for humans, your pet can suffer serious liver damage

It is difficult to detect when a pet liver fails, because unlike the human being can not see him yellow skin being covered with fur.
Some signs such as gums and yellowish eyes edge occurs when the disease is advanced and the liver is damaged in a 70% or 80%. The most common signs are vomiting and persistent diarrhea, with gradual deterioration of their State of consciousness, depression, and loss of appetite.
Suspecting there to go to a veterinarian, as it is at risk the life of the animal.
Liver may be damaged when mascot consume drugs for human medication by its owners. “They tend to get cats and dogs to veterinary clinics because they accidentally ate a human drug or its owner ‘self-medicated’ it to a pain,” warns Diego Pincheira, veterinarian Drag Pharma.
“Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can cause the death of a cat or dog, and paracetamol is highly toxic to pets, because your liver not well metabolized drugs formulated for people,” he explains.
Also some breeds of dog like the Westy and Doberman have genetic predisposition to chronic hepatitis, because his liver has no ability to remove copper which comes mainly from the power supply.
Moreover, obese cats by excess of food and lack of exercise are prone to hepatic lipidiosis, i.e., the liver becomes fatty because it is not able to metabolize and eliminate fat.
“Liver fulfills the function of metabolizing fats, proteins, drugs and detoxify the body to then remove the debris. To fail, it can trigger the death of mascot, because in addition to not assimilate vitamins and minerals, will deteriorate your immune system, toxins accumulate and animal poisons are causing failure in its central nervous system”, says Pincheira.
You can retrieve to detect and treat early liver failure, the specialist recommended a pets annual blood test with predisposition as Westy, Doberman, and obese cats.
We must prevent the pets to get fatter, encourage them to exercise, and to never give them medications without veterinary prescription.
“The good news is that although the liver has an advanced deterioration, it can be reverted because this body has great capacity for regeneration,” he says.
Medicines according to the cause of the failure is used to treat a liver failure.
The treatment should be accompanied of a regenerator and liver protector as Silymarin, a component extracted from the fruit of the Thistle which was incorporated in the nutritional supplement for dogs and cats.
This help to detoxify the liver, eliminate radical free and metabolize fats, has anti-inflammatory properties, and accelerates the regeneration of liver cells to repair the body.

Original source in Spanish

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