translated from Spanish: Arcade Fire presented “Baby Mine”, the song for “Dumbo” of Tim Burton

are days that are brand new live action of “Dumbo” version. The Disney Classic will debut its realistic version in Argentine theaters on Thursday, March 28, and will add to “Captain Marvel” on the undercard. The film features the direction of the renowned Tim Burton, who also was in charge of the remake of “Alice in Wonderland ‘s” (2010). In addition, joined a prominent cast headed by Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton, Colin Farrell, and Eva Green.

Nearly two weeks of the premiere, Disney decided to publicize one of the main songs of the film, this time Arcade Fire will be performed by Canadian band. It’s “Baby Mine”, the subject of cradle that DJ scene in which the small elephant finds her mother locked up. The scene in cartoon in 1941 Walt Company premiered for the first time the classic based on the eponymous children’s book by Helen Aberson. In cartoons and the mouse Timothy as one of the central characters in the story but who film will not appear in this version 2019.La has a strongly touching scene: once being the mother of Dumbo, its small (with the help of the) mouse), it goes to visit her and embrace both tubes. There it sounds like “Baby Mine”, composed by Frank Churchill, with lyrics by Ned Washington and performed by Betty Noyes. Do you remember how it sounded? Here we show you the fragment of the movie.

Renewing the film, also the song while Disney works in readjust their classic versions aimed at an audience that grew up and “new generations”, there are some elements that are not discussed. One of them is music.

When Mickey Mouse industry led first animated classic cinema was characterized mainly (and it continues to do so) by their sympathetic melodies, but also by their clothing and other issues more. 

As we saw in the previous installments, respected the main issues: such as “Fabula goddesses” (“the beauty and the beast”), “Seeks the most vital thing” (“the jungle book”) and will also see in “Aladdin” with “A perfect world”.

In the case of “Dumbo”, the new version of “Baby Mine” was in charge of Arcade Fire, whom presented it on the day of the date. The story “Baby Mine” connecting with the band through a statement Win Butler acknowledged that there is a deep connection between the film and his personal life. “There is a scene with a locomotive in original ‘Dumbo’ that uses an instrument called a Sonovox, which my grandfather Alvino Rey made famous in the 1930 ‘s”, he said.

Arcade Fire | Photo: Instagram @ArcadeFire “whenever he saw the film thought that it was. When they asked us to do this, I immediately got all my grandfather’s old guitars and I wanted to touch them in the song”, he acknowledged. Butler added that in “Baby Mine” his spouse Régine Chassagne sings and plays drums, while his mother played the harp. His brother and his son are also involved.” Much has changed since 1941, and we are still in the search to allow all people to accept and celebrate who they are on this planet”, considered Chassagne.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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