translated from Spanish: The battle of taxes: Government does not give in tax payment in second withdrawal of 10% that begins today its procedure in the House

At 15 hours, the 10% second withdrawal project submitted by the Government begins in the Working Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, in a discussion marked by the Executive’s decision not to give up a tax fee for those who receive income over $700 thousand.
The Government’s position was endorsed over the weekend by President Sebastián Piñera, who insisted that 8 out of 10 will pay no taxes, while this morning Labor Minister María José Zaldívar assured that they will maintain the tax stance in the second withdrawal because “it is the right thing to do”.
Interviewed at Radio Pauta, the secretary of state indicated that “80% of Chileans do not pay taxes despite what they have been made to believe. It’s impressive how irresponsible some have communicated on Twitter or made returns saying people are going to pay taxes. 80% are not going to pay and a large majority will pay a marginal amount.”
In his view, “what we are looking for is to try to strike a balance between current needs, future pensions, but also to be able to finance public policies.”
However, in the House they are apprehended to introduce directions to narrow down the universe of affiliates who will be affected by this tax at the time of withdrawal. In fact, even officialism does not convince the Government’s formula that salaries on 700,000 pesos pay tributes. “Let it be with the highest rents; let us not continue to put our hand in the pocket of the middle class,” said RN Deputy Francisco Eguiguren, a member of the Labour Commission.
Survey numbers
But the government’s proposal is unpopular and is confirmed by the Citizen Pulse survey released today. According to the survey, 59.4% of the population strongly disagrees/disagrees with the bill, from the withdrawal of the second 10% AFP filed by the Government, consider paying taxes to those with monthly remuneration over $700,000.
In addition, the Active Research study notes that 67.8% prefer the constitutional reform bill for the second withdrawal of 10% of MPs and 12.3% prefer the 10% government bill.
In addition, 70.8% of the population strongly disagrees/disagrees with the sending to the Constitutional Court of the constitutional reform project, so that the project for the second withdrawal of 10% of THEAPs submitted by Members is declared unconstitutional.

“It doesn’t eliminate the risk of further withdrawals”
In the midst of this debate, the Government’s position on presenting its own project could also open new flanks, as warned by Michelle Bachelet’s former finance minister Rodrigo Valdés.
Interviewed in La Tercera, Valdés indicated that the Executive’s bet is “well risky”, because he validated the use of planned funds for other purposes and because “it is a brutal example of the saying ‘need has a heretic face'”.
He also warned that “the Government’s strategy of sending its own 10% project does not eliminate the risk of further withdrawals.”
“The risk of a new retirement is great (…) The popularity of these things is like honey for bees for the political world, anything can gatillar it,” he added on T13 Radio.

Original source in Spanish

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