translated from Spanish: Five establishments suspended in Morelia for not complying with health measures

home Michoacán Five establishments suspended in Morelia for not complying with health measures

Morelia, Michoacán.- In health operation implemented by the Guardians of Health in Morelia five establishments were suspended for not complying with the standards and guidelines that mark the law for the New Coexistence.
There were 89 supervised establishments in this municipality, by the Michoacán Ministry of Health (SSM), through the State Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (Coepris), in order to break the chain of contagion by COVID-19.
In addition to surveillance, the Health Guardians also carry out health promotion actions on preventive measures to reduce the number of cases by COVID-19 which, until the cut of 20 February 2021, Michoacán registers a cumulative 49 thousand 803.
The SSM reminds the population that the use of the water cover is mandatory throughout Michoacán, as a measure to prevent and contain transmission of the virus, so it reiterates the call to use it correctly.
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The institution keeps available to the public the 800-123-2890 with 11 lines to solve all your medical doubts, as well as the microsite, where you will find all the information of the condition.

Original source in Spanish

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