translated from Spanish: They found a man inside a burning car.

The tragic event was recorded during this early morning at the corner of Avenue 33 and 159, in Berazategui.Inside the Peugeot 405 car was the victim, identified as Héctor Aníbal Peñalva (50), who served as president of the School Board of the municipality of Berazategui.La victim was found partially charred inside a vehicle that caught fire on the public road. According to police sources, the man was alone inside the passenger compartment, on the driver’s side and parked on the street, so neighbors alerted to the situation, who immediately alerted 911 when they began to see smoke. When Berazategui’s patrol went to the scene, they noticed that the vehicle was engulfed in flames. When the firefighters arrived and put out the fire of the car, an ambulance was requested to assist the victim, who confirmed the death of Peñalva.The same professional certified that at first sight the body did not present injuries to the naked eye, neither of stab nor of fire. Also present at the scene of the incident was prosecutor Cristian Granados, who directed the first proceedings and arranged to preserve the scene until the arrival of the experts of the Scientific Police.The prosecutor Granados at the time legally qualified the case as “investigation causes of death” and was awaiting the preliminary report of the autopsy, to be carried out between today and tomorrow , to try to establish whether you were the victim of a malicious or accidental act.

Original source in Spanish

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