Camila Homs’ father spoke and was forceful with Rodrigo de Paul: “He is overwhelmed”

A few days ago, Rodrigo de Paul scheduled an interview with The Noon News of America Tv. There he chatted with Guillermo Andino and Maria Belén Ludueña about his relationship with Tini Stoessel and his separation from Camila Homs.After his sayings, the repercussions did not take long to arrive and today from Intruders they spoke with Horacio, Camila’s father who referred to the separation between his daughter and the player: “These are things that happen. No father likes to see a son suffer, Camila is going to get ahead,” he said while making it clear that it was Rodrigo who made the decision to separate. That said, he referred to Rodrigo’s exhibition and commented that he sees him as “overwhelmed”: “He is a very good boy, but you have to understand that he is alone in Europe and had many situations together to assimilate. Suddenly, the Argentine National Team, fame and an economic position. That is why today it is overwhelmed,” he said. On the other hand, he got into the internal one that involves his former son-in-law and made it clear that Camila is not thinking of initiating a criminal lawsuit against the star of the national team: “Neither I nor Camila would think of making a criminal complaint to leave rodrigo out of the World Cup. He’s going to play and he’s going to break it,” she said. Following this line, he said: “He has to stop fucking, stop with TV and focus on the World Cup,” he said. To close he got into the controversy about when he started the relationship with the singer and contradicted the words of the player: “Until January I thought everything was fine with Camila. That’s why I was surprised that he remade his life so quickly,” he concluded. 

Original source in Spanish

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